Headless CMS

Headless CMSArrowReact, Next.js



Headless CMS is a project to demonstrate how October Cms can be used as a Headless CMS with NextJs. October Cms manages the pages, blog posts and menus whilst NextJs powers the site for visitors.

The inspiration behind this project was to see how easy it would be to use NextJs on work projects and how much functionality will require extra development on top of what NextJs already offers.

The outcome of this project is very promising, the content block building that was previosuly done in Ocotber Cms was quite simple to replicate and is a much cleaner build in NextJs. One area that needs further development is how October Cms snippets and be built in NextJS as in Ocotber Cms these rely on a snippet parsing tool to decipher what snippet is to be loaded along with the correct frontend markup.

To build this project I'm using NextJs, Redux, October CMS, and Tailwind CSS. Checkout the project using the links above!

Headless CMS
Headless CMS