Mercedes Benz UK CareersOctober Cms, Twig
Whilst working for Rejuvenate Digital I was the lead developer on a project for Mercedes Benz. I was tasked with building a careers website fully managable from a CMS. Another criteria of the website was to ensure the Mercedes brand guidlines were followed closely and that the website performed well on page speed and SEO.
As the design for this website was very image driven I spent time experimenting with how best to load images by adjusting image qualities, sizes and lazy load optimization. Lazy loading images using interactive observer and building twig filters to replace images with webp versions when content has been added via richeditors was key to loading images well along with getting a good page speed score.
Entrance animations using interactive observer to detect when an element was in view and css transitions and animations were used to animate the elements.
At the time of launch the website's score on Google's Lighthouse page speed test was 96/100 and had an SEO score of 100/100.
This project was built solely using October CMS.