Daniel Stokes

Daniel Stokes
Full stack web developerArrowbased in Leeds
With 10 years experience
Specialising in JavaScript, React,
CSS & PHPArrowplus CMS and E-commerce


Frontend development is my main area of expertise, having worked as a senior developer for a number of years. Whilst working for Rejuvenate Digital I have implemented changes such as from moving from Gulp to WebPack, Less to Scss and implementing Babel into our development processes to allow our team to move away from writing jQuery and write ES6 JavaScript.

After building some projects in NextJs and React and becoming more experienced in these frameworks, I've began working towards moving frontend development at Rejuvenate Digital to NextJs as can be seen in my Headless CMS Project.

A project I recently completed was a third party integration with Algolia Search on Sanctuary Bathrooms, this was used to build a predictive keyword search, filters including disjunctive facets and recommended products. I have also used the Google Maps API on Right Fuel Card to build their site locator page which takes advantage of the more advanced features of the API to build route finder functionality.


Although starting out as a frontend developer I took it upon myself to learn backend development to become a more rounded developer. This has made me a very valuable member of the team at Rejuvenate Digital as I could ensure projects were built in the most efficient way when it came to the front and backend of a project interacting with each other.

Whilst at Rejuvenate Digital I was heavily involved in moving the team from a basic in house PHP framework to a Laravel Based framework called October CMS. This involved the building of several bespoke plugins so the company didn't over rely on third party plugins for their projects. Just a few of the plugins I was in charge of development for were the Shop plugin which provided full e-commerce functionality, a form builder plugin I built as a project in my personal time and a franchising plugin.

Soft Skills

To become a well rounded developer I have always made an effort to improve my soft skill. Having worked as a senior developer for the last 6 years means I'm in charge of training new staff members. To do this well I had to work on my communication skills so I could explain different processes and justify their purpose. Good communication skills are also important when evaluating other developers' performances so my feedback can help improve developers in their skills and confidence.

As my development experience has been in the fast paced world of agency work, time management and organisation skills have been an important tool to make sure tasks and projects are completed on time and to a high standard. By keeping on top of my work and being proactive I feel this has helped make me become a better and more efficient developer.

Get in Touch

If you'd like anymore information please don't hesitate to contact me at danielstokes93@gmail.com